

Question by  IanGlassford (27)

Can a dog be pregnant via more than one father?


Answer by  Rincewind (239)

Yes, it's possible that a dog gets pregnant with 2 or more males, but you can easily avoid that by watching your dog while she is in the heat.


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

Female dogs can mate with multiple males during their heat cycle. Although unlikely, it is possible that a litter of 10 puppies could have 10 different fathers. If puppies in a litter look very different, there were probably at least 2 fathers.


Answer by  basschica07 (14)

A female dog can be pregnant by more than one father at the same time. A little can consist of some pups with one father and other pups from a completely different father. This is similar to cats. This is because female dogs produce several eggs during a single cycle.

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