

Question by  pouser (2)

Can I use menthalated spirit to clean my columbia 300 white dot bowling ball?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, you can use that but I recommend using rubbing alcohol. It will also shine out your bowling ball. You can also actually just use an natural substance such as white vinegar. It actually cleanses the whole thing out from top to bottom and gets rid of all the germs on it.


Answer by  Tattooine (40)

No, you should no use methylated spirit; the manufacturer recommends a special cleaning fluid "Powerhouse Energizer Cleaner." There are detailled maintenance instructions on the manufacturer's website.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well yes you can use that but it may be harsh and scrape off the paint from your white bowling ball. The best thing to do is clean it using some oxyclean substances. It will remove all the stains. Basically you want to mix oxyclean with water and apply to a damp cloth and rub over the ball.


Answer by  toya (30)

no you could damage the exterior of the ball and dull the polish it could also be toxic for because it will be like cleaning with fuel.


Answer by  dumpnrun77 (276)

I would personally use a mixture of warm water and rubbing alcohol to clean bowling balls. This solution will also leave the bowling ball with a fresh shine looking new.

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