

Question by  zeeeall (52)

Can my insurance company deny my claims for my psoriasis?


Answer by  roguecopycat (62)

That depends on whether your illness is a preexisting condition, whether it is covered under your current policy, and what kind of treatment you are seeking, all these can be denied under some policies. You need to read an actual copy of your benefits and exclusions to be completely sure.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The answer: perhaps. There are many variables to consider. Ask for a thorough explanation. If you don't/can't get one, file a complaint with the Insurance Commissioner in your state.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If they believe that it was made worse due to failure to follow medical instructions or a condition you did not mention when signing up for health insurance, many insurers could deny the claim. Health insurance companies can also choose to cover specific, approved treatments and not approve natural treatments, chiropractic and experimental psoriasis treatments.


Answer by  Ndlightningbug (132)

The short answer is 'yes', your insurance cane deny your claims for psoriasis. You should call and talk to them about why they do not cover and appeal, appeal, appeal.

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