

Question by  brianlee (16)

Can you answer the riddle: I have feet on me, but I cannot walk?


Answer by  wilsonace (129)

It could possibly be in reference to a yard stick or other measuring tools. A yard stick has three feet,but of course it cannot get up and walk. Also it could mean a claw-foot bath tub. Also,many types furniture,such as,beds,chairs,couches,ottomans,and coffee tables all have "feet" but obviously do not walk on their own.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

Then you are a yard stick. That has the measurement of feet, but a yard stick can't walk. Or you could be just a distance. Though yard stick is probably the correct answer for this riddle. Maybe you can try to give another one and see if someone comes up with the answer.


Answer by  dingosan8 (407)

The answer to this is quite simple. It is not an animal or living creature but rather a description of measure. the answer is a measuring tape.


Answer by  nanook (605)

The answer to the riddle "I have feet on me, but I can not walk" is simply a yardstick. Some people may also answer something like something who is paralyzed, but the yardstick answer is better.

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