

Question by  PHolloway (45)

Can you get an abortion for a dog?


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

Believe it or not, yes. There are multiple methods. You can have surgery to terminate the pregnancy and get the dog fixed at the same time. There are hormone treatments and other pill treatments. The vet can even see if your dog has mated with another dog.


Answer by  CaylasCreations (214)

Yes, dogs can have abortions. Not all vets will do it, and some that do will require it to be withing the first portion of the pregnancy.


Answer by  katrescuer (431)

Yes, dogs and cats can have an "abortion". However, when a cat or dog is aborted, they are also spayed at the same time.


Answer by  guyver3869 (449)

Actually, yes you can. And it can be at any stage of the pregnancy. Your local vet can take care of this for you and its is fairly unevasive. Just contact your local vet and set up a consult. He will explain your options and the procedure.

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