


Question by  btw8211 (16)

Can you get early release from federal probation?


Answer by  ElizabethBrennan (20)

An individual can apply for early release from federal probation after a year of service within their federal probationary period. There are conditions, rules, and procedures that need to be followed, but with filling out the correct forms in the proper manner one can attempt to apply for early release.


Answer by  tina63 (273)

It is possible to get early release. Factors considered include how much of your sentence you've served, whether you have received any write ups, and if you are up to date on the costs of probation. However, if your probation officer will not agree to an early release then it is doubtful a judge will issue the order.


Answer by  kory88 (109)

If you are trying to get an early release from federal probation it is not going to happen what so ever.

Reply by platypusartist (1):
a friend of mine got off 7 months early from federal probation  add a comment
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