pet health


Question by  varex (330)

Do dogs lose their puppy fur as they get older?


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Yes in some cases puppies shed their puppy fur and they grow a new coat slowly. Certain dogs have softer fur as puppies and that changes when they are grown.


Answer by  smellycat22 (1129)

Yes. Most puppies will begin to transition into their adult coat between 6 months to 1 year depending on the breed. Their softer coat will be replaced by (generally) harsher-textured adult coat. Make sure you brush the puppy often to help with the shedding process and reduce the amount of hair on your clothing and furniture.


Answer by  lmm30 (294)

Dogs do tend to lose the puppy softness as they get older but do not lose the fur unless it is a medically issue

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