

Question by  ruination (32)

Do you have a blog?

Why or why not? Is it personal or topical?


Answer by  gummie (738)

No, I do not have a blog. I am not a very sociable person. I love my privacy and do not like idle chit-chat or news. Also, I would rather communicate face to face, if possible, with the person I am speaking with. I would say it is for personal reasons I don't blog or have a blog.


Answer by  bniles (58)

Yes, I do have a blog. My blog is personal, I use it mostly to share information and photographs with family and friends. I like to do this because it saves the trouble of typing the same things repeatedly in several different emails to several different people. This way everyone stays up to date and I save time.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

I don't have a blog because it wastes alot of time on the computer. You hurry up and write your blog only to wait. I find that i have better things to do then blog. I talked to my friends on a daily basis either by calling or by e-mail.


Answer by  sairamesh100yahoocoin (223)

i Have a blog. my blog name is easy earning techniques. i Create a blog for google adsense. its full of add related blog. its very useful to all users. the blog contains lot of idea how to make many with some good ideas. its my personal blog. the visibility of the blog is too good.

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