

Question by  HeDidIt (23)

How can I decide between going to the peace corps or going to grad school?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

You can do both! I took a year after my BA to volunteer with Iraqi refugees in Jordan and am now pursuing a law degree. It was a great decision!


Answer by  babilot (158)

Do grad school while you are still motivated to. Peace Corps will always be there, and that is something that you'll always want to do.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Going to school for another degree while going into more debt is a bad idea. If you owe, go Peace Corp. If you have cash, go grad.


Answer by  Lisa45 (144)

I see no reason why you can't do both. I would do the peace corp first. Grad schools may like that on your application.

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