how to


Question by  doxielover (39)

How can I get a bumper sticker off of a car without damaging the paint?


Answer by  mnmas (238)

I have done this before. Use rubbing alcohol and a razor blade. Pour the rubbing alcohol over what you want to be removed and gently peel it off using the razor blade.


Answer by  ilango (226)

The best method is to sticker off from bumber is used some penetratin oil until it get soaked fully for some time. now it will come easily. now you can clean the adhesives by smooth cotton cloth or good adhesive removers available in markets.


Answer by  Karen54 (971)

Try using Goo Gone. It's an adhesive remover that will dissolve the glue without marring the finish. Pour a little on your finger and massage lightly to loosen the glue. Keep adding Goo Gone and wiping away with a soft cloth. Finish by washing, rinsing and buffing.


Answer by  craftypuppylover (33)

There are various solutions that you can find at your local hardware or all purpose store like Target or Wal-Mart that should do the trick. Goo Gone is good for taking off sticky substances.

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