

Question by  wrigley (21)

How can I get rid of cramps caused by pms?


Answer by  Anonymous

Drink a lot of water. Eating fresh fruits can help like Bananas. Midol, Motrin, and Tylonal, that contains Ib. A heat pad also is effective. Pickles and pickles juice. Light stretching and a good nap. Light meals nothing that is greasy or fried. Herbal tea.


Answer by  Anonymous

eat a banana to raise your potassium levels. Drink lots of water, or even a sports drink like gatoraide, for electrolytes but not one thats loaded with sugar. You can also drink hot chamomile tea or take a hot bath to relax. If all else fails, take Midol.


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

You can take a medication such as Midol or another painkiller. Another way to relieve the cramps is to apply heat. You can buy heat patches made for this purpose and apply them to the site of the pain. If you don't have these products you could simply microwave a damp washcloth and apply it instead.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

You can get rid of them by buying over the counter PMS relief medications such as Midol. You can purchase it just about anywhere and its over the counter. Midol reduces bloating and cramps caused by your period. Sometimes taking a good nap can reduce the pain caused by cramping.


Answer by  TK (51)

A pain killer such as ibuprofen or aspirin could work. Also, using a heating pad or taking a warm bath helps sometimes. Some women say exercise helps get rid of cramps, especially exercise like swimming, yoga, pilates, or stretching. Meditation can be helpful, as can some herbs, tinctures or vitamins.


Answer by  Merzkiyi (604)

Over the counter pain relief is available, and some of them are specifically for treating PMS symptoms. There are also natural remedies, and exercise and diet considerations.

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