

Question by  msjanetjones (158)

How can I help my daughter with organization and school?

She could do so much better in school if she were organized.


Answer by  TCMstudent (127)

Education is always a headache especially when it comes to young children. Depending on the age of your daughter, different approaches can be used. For young children(3-6 years old), I would suggest starting to imbue in her importance of being organized such as keeping her own personal collection of toys.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Buy her file folders and binders for the papers she needs for school. Get her separate folders and binders to keep at home that can store old tests and graded homework so she won't be carrying 50 pounds to school each day.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

Let her pick out different places (drawers, shelves, boxes) for her pens and pencils, books, homework assignments, everything that she brings home. Make sure when she's done with something, she returns it to it's proper place. Don't hesitate to reward her with something small for doing this.

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