

Question by  bithapaul09gmailcom (65)

How do I know if my dog is sick?


Answer by  Aumlanka (291)

The only sure way is to take your dog to your veterinarian. There are many symptoms a dog may show when sick. They may vomit, become listless, refuse to eat, need to go potty frequently, cough, or they may do something else. Sometimes there are no symptoms.


Answer by  newarkdanny (459)

Dogs like humans act and look different when there sick. Check to see if your dog responds to your calls. See if his is playing with his toys.


Answer by  sara052420 (105)

You will know that your dog is sick by a few different things. One, you can take them to the doctor if you have suspicion about it. Two, if your dog is acting different in anyway than his or her normal behavior. Three, if after they use the restroom their 'mess' looks unhealthy.


Answer by  Doug77 (1433)

A sick dog will exhibit odd behaviors. A typically energetic dog will be quiet and cower in a corner. Licking carpet or eating grass are also signs.


Answer by  Liz39 (38)

If your dog stops eating or drinking, there's a good chance your dog is sick. Other signs include excessive panting or drooling, restlessness, diarrhea, vomiting or a sudden change in behavior. If your dog starts to sleep more than normal, and seems lethargic, there's also a good chance it is sick.


Answer by  Helpinghand (3)

Dogs as well as many other animals start with a loss of appeitite,loss of interest in it's owner,and suddenly angry or agressive when touched.Dark urine or abnormal bowel as well.

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