


Question by  musicbono (24)

How do you find your passport number?


Answer by  jclick (1561)

Your passport number is located on the identification page of your passport in the top right-hand corner. It is a nine digit number.


Answer by  CHernandez (58)

If you have lost your passport, there is no way to obtain your passport number unless applying for a new one. You can call 1-877-487-2778. Some say you can obtain it from the Circut Court Clerk but that is not possible since they are not the ones that process them.


Answer by  lou (792)

Find the page with your picture. Look to the right across from the picture. The passport number is the first piece of information. Above it, in small print you should see the words, "passport number. "


Answer by  patti (29325)

On a U. S. passport the number is in the upper right hand corner on the page where your photo is. You will also find the number in the lower left hand corner. It is preceded by the letters: U S A

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