

Question by  jessyjuan (290)

How do you say grandmother in Polish?

I want to surprise my grandmother by being able to say her name in her native tongue.


Answer by  Torry (15)

Grandma is Polish is "Babcia". It would be pronounced like "Ba ba see ah". Other phases you might want to use include "I love you", which is "Kocham cię". "Hello! "="halo! or cześć! " "goodbye"="do widzenia! "


Answer by  senthilkumar (299)

You can call your grand mother as BABCIA in polish language which would be pronounced as BAHP-chah in this ch as china and ah in this a is refer as father. In polish grand children were used to call their grannies as babcia and it is an endearment form of babka.

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