

Question by  mhir (33)

How was Saddam Hussein linked to Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel?


Answer by  nuttree (1596)

In the year 2002 and afterwards, Saddam Hussein's government had a policy of paying $25,000 to the family of any Palestinian suicide bomber. Although Iraq did not itself recruit or train these terrorists, the money was an inducement to any Palestinian who was considering such "martyrdom."


Answer by  JohnK (24)

Saddam Hussein was providing exploding vests to the suicide bombers and financial support to the surviving families of Palestinian suicide bombers who opposed Israel. He also applauded their efforts in memorials to them.


Answer by  Janneman123567 (14)

Saddam has provided the families of Palestinian martyrs, who fell fighting the Israeli occupation, with thousands of dollars. He would pay them out in checks. It is estimated that between 200 and 2003 Saddam donated about 35 million dollars to the Palestinian cause. Saddam always had good contacts with Hamas.

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