health procedures


Question by  SureshKannan (17)

I was told I have an endometrial cyst on my ovary, what can they do for that?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

These cysts, often called "chocolate" cysts because of the reddish brown blood, are fairly common- though they can be painful. Usually they will take care of themselves, and most women do experience them. Studies show that diet, particularly intake of green vegetables, can be helpful.


Answer by  kdem (551)

Usually the doctors will leave the cyst alone. They will prescribe a course of antibiotics to treat any infection that may have caused the cyst. Sometimes if you have recurrent problems with this they will go ahead and remove the whole tube to prevent other types of growths. They can however, be quite painful if left untreated for to long.


Answer by  michmich2 (195)

Typically, nothing needs to be done for endometrial cysts on ovaries. If they are especially large and/or are causing pain or other problems, they can be surgically removed. Your doctor can tell you more about the options available to you.


Answer by  FMTC (109)

Endometrial cysts on ovaries can be treated with birth control pills. These pills alter hormone levels and therefore shrink the size of the cyst. However if your doctor is concerned about the size of the cyst not shrinking then he or she may want to surgically remove the cyst. In any can ultrasounds will watch the cysts size.

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