


Question by  Brittany (22)

Is shaking a kitten any good?


Answer by  antrobus (140)

Of course shaking a kitten is a terrible idea. You could cause major brain damage, organ damage, and of course psychological damage. This could cause the cat to fear humans it's whole life. Assuming it survived your "shaking".


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

You should never shake a kitten. That is a form of animal abuse. Especially if the kitten is a newborn one, you could have killed it. Probably also gave the kitten brain damage. As well as you can break it's neck, rupture something. So no, it is not good.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

No. Much like in human babies, shaking a kitten can result in concussions and brain damage. Please don't shake your kittens.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

No!!! Why would you do that? It's like shaking a child and can be as harmful and frightening. There are other means of correction. Rocking a kitten is often soothing.

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