

Question by  Shannon41 (20)

Is there college aid for adopted children?


Answer by  Lornah12 (109)

No. Such colleges do not exist. Adopting a child means that you personally agree to take the responsibility of taking care of needs of that child.


Answer by  Silver575 (69)

Eligiblilty for financial aid for college depends on income and assets from both the parents and the student. It does not matter whether the student was adopted or not.


Answer by  Jesse68 (126)

There is all differnt types of finaical aid out there for any person that wants to go back to school. There are pell grants,(grants that you do not have to pay back), and there is also subsidized loans and ubsubsidized loan(loans with little interest). google free fasa and fill out your fasa, you will be notified your eligibity for loans.


Answer by  ckenned66 (18)

There is college aid available for adopted children through many different sources. The sources can be found on the internet. Parents of adopted children can review the many opportunities to choose the best scholarships available that the children qualify for.


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

Most definitely! First try the Dave Thomas Foundation. They have lots of resources for adopted children. After that, try the financial aide department. They'll have resources you can look through and will have more up-to-date suggestions.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Sometimes there is. Some scholarship search engines allow you to enter all of the special information about your child ie: is s/he adopted, religious, gay/lesbian/bisexual, involved in sports, and so on. Based on this information, the search engine will find the best scholarship opportunities to match your child's needs.


Answer by  goodanswer (13)

yes there has to be because children that you have adopted are classed as your children so it would seem that your adopted children would get college aid based on the legal fact that they are your children so in general you would get it if not it could be classed as discrimination

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