

Question by  silicone (1)

My dog is always licking her anus and dragging her rear end across the floor, what could be wrong with her?


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

Licking and dragging means that her anus is itchy. Two common reasons are that she has some kind of intestinal parasite, such as round worm, or has a blocked anal gland she is trying to clear.


Answer by  PaintedRoadkill (504)

It sounds like she has one or more variety of worms living in her anus or intestines. When dogs pass stool they can also pass the worms out of their body. Some worms live on fecal matter in the dogs bowels. Either case can make the dogs internal passages and hole feel itchy or irritated.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

That is usually an indication that a dog has worms. You should take the dog to the vet so he can see which kind they are and give you the medication to treat them. If not, your dog could also have some sort of skin condition around there and she is just trying to itch it.

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