
 cats  pets


Question by  Tyryt1 (15)

My new cat and my old cat are not getting along--what should I do?


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

Usually it needs time for them to get familiar with each other, this is inevitable.Of course, if you have large places, you may try to split them, that is, they have different sleeping and playing places.You may also not let them meet each other.


Answer by  kittymama (49)

Introduce them slowly and supervise interactions. A plug-in pheromone diffuser such as Feliway may be helpful. Give each cat time to adjust, and be sure they have a way to escape each others' presence.


Answer by  chandni (145)

I had the exact same problem a few months ago. The best way to deal with this problem is feeding both cats with the same food bowl, hence not giving the cats different foods at different times. This forces the cats to eat together, and it may work like it did for my cats.


Answer by  kbclassi (20)

accept your old one.because it was grwing up by you.but the new one is not like will get the new give newone to anybody.take care the old one.this is only for cats.not for not acceptle their newborn sis/bros

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