


Question by  Jennifer26 (23)

My rear tires are stuck, what should I do?


Answer by  MrSuperior85 (140)

it seems very tight fit between the rim and hub,Leave one lug nut on a few threads and hit the rubber tire not the rim from behind with a large hammer, rotating the tire occasionally, Once removed clean up the center of the rim and axle hub with some sandpaper and apply a little lube around that area before assembly.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

If the wheels won't turn the your drum brake pads have probably seized to the drum. To unfreeze them you will need to pull the wheels off and fix the brakes. Now if you wheels are stuck in some mud or snow or something then you need to add something to get traction. Sand, gravel, or kitty liter usually work.


Answer by  LoganBFishburn (124)

I would disconnect the driveshaft and try to move them after it is not attached. This will let you know if the problem is in the rearend or not.


Answer by  joseph17 (11)

it really depends on what they are stuck in. if it is stuck in sand or something viscous then the easiest was would be to simply let some air out.


Answer by  shashank (98)

Make transmission to fourwheel and try to move car in Reverse gear. remove the obtraction from tires and ask someone to push vehicle parallely applying accelerator. keep on moving steering in different direction to make space near stucked wheels. finally keep control on car when it get free from stuck sudden.

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