

Question by  Amanda85 (17)

Should you fix a wrecked car if it was included in a bankruptcy?


Answer by  AKMGabriel (241)

If I owe no money on my car and insurance helped me defer the cost I would repair the car. If the cost is too great then no I wouldn't fix the car but move on to public transportation. If I owed money I would declare it was an asset lost or see if my insurance would pay the balance.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

No. It would be a waste of money if you are in bankruptcy proceedings. It seems that it would be wasting money. The court would just take the wrecked car.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

If the car was broke when the bankruptcy was done then no. If they sair that you can keep the car and use for work, then yes. If it is a leased car, read your leasing agreement, they might want it back in the shape it was sold to you.

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