

Question by  vatriala (27)

The data on my memory card is corrupted, how can I fix this?


Answer by  ATVRACING250ex (84)

All you have to do is whenever a flash drive or memory card's data is corrupted or theres no space even though nothing is on it is right click on it and click format. Click for all the defaults and click format. This will delete everything on the card and start it over good as new.


Answer by  Hardwerke (12)

I've had success with ImageRescue, for recovering lost data from memory cards. Lexar includes it with their some of their cards. You can also download a copy from their website. Once you've successfully recovered the data, be sure to format the card before using it again.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Once the data itself has been corrupted it can't usually be repaired. IF t is a collection of files some may be able to be copied but chances are the data is lost. Try clean off the card and do some error checking on it.


Answer by  e36 (170)

Your PC may let you "format" the memory card, which will wipe the data but may fix the card. To recover the data, you'll need a professional data recovery company.


Answer by  josearaujo (31)

There is several programs to recover data from hard drive or memory cards. Some are freeware, loke this one "Corrupted Data Recovery 2 2. 00. 0062".

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