

Question by  Ann53 (92)

What are good foods for me to give my 8 month old?


Answer by  maggie860 (46)

At 8 months old, you should be able to give him/her regular jars of food that are pureed. Sweet potatoes and apple sauces are good "sweet" foods


Answer by  Anonymous

Gerber puffs, almost any fruits cut into tiny pieces, crackers, bread, any less solid food ie. applesauce, pudding, jello.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Bananas, canned pears sliced into smaller pieces, crackers, pieces of bread, diced hot dogs, small slices of cheese, fruit cocktail, diced carrots, cooked peas, applesauce.


Answer by  turkanswerer (27)

As your baby grows to about 8 months old, you can feed him more traditional table foods, as long as they are first whipped or mashed. For example, mashed potatoes or peaches are a good choice. If he has teeth coming in, soft breaded type foods are also good to introduce to baby, such as dry Cheerios cereals.


Answer by  semy (26)

You should serve him first the solid food, and then the liquid in baby cup. The babies need good source of iron everyday, so I propose iron fortified baby cereal. Also you can give him some fruit if he refuses the cereal. Try giving him mashed potatoes made with yogurt.

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