

Question by  Zee (20)

What are my options for internet access for my laptop when I am away from home?


Answer by  trayambak (16)

You have to istall logmein software in both computers so that you can easily communicate with both computers.It will enable you to access both computers from remote location.Otherwise you can use remote desktop connection also.RDC do not require any sofware to be installed.You just need a static IP connection.


Answer by  Olive (1195)

Let's go with free options! Starbucks and Panera offer free internet access. So do many public libraries (and some universities) Also, many libraries will even allow you to sign up for computer time on their computers, so you don't have to lug along that laptop.


Answer by  debmalewski (1085)

If you are at a hotel, most offer internet access now, generally wireless, or have a business office with a computer that you can use. Some offer it for free, others require payment. There are businesses that offer internet access, like Starbucks and McDonalds, for a fee. There are public libraries that generally offer free access.


Answer by  Emr (698)

If you are willing to spend the money, you may be able to buy equipment from your wireless carrier. Another option is the library in the area you are visiting. Many cafes offer internet access as well. The better hotels also offer wireless access.


Answer by  Anita27 (656)

The easiest way to access the Internet on your laptop when you are away is to find a coffee shop that offers free wireless access.

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