pet health


Question by  constitutionalscholar (19)

What are some home remedies for cat colds?


Answer by  eone282 (67)

1/4 of a tablet of vitamin C for 4 weeks do not exceed 4 weeks it should be crushed up


Answer by  Rachel54 (109)

But putting the cat in a steamy bathroom will help it breath, and wet food that they can smell helps them realize there is food available.


Answer by  PrncsPrple (237)

I've worked at a vet several years, and I can tell you upper respiratory infections in cats are serious and not something to be treated at home with home remedies, the cat needs to see a vet. Please take your cat into the vet.


Answer by  Christoph (56)

It's a good idea to keep your cat warm, comfortable, and with plenty of water around. Treats are a very good way of keeping them fed.

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