

Question by  zach (27)

What are some plants that contain selenium?


Answer by  wilson87 (9)

plants that contain selenium include western wheat grass, barley, wheat and alfafa. Certain species of astragalus, prince's plume, woody asters and false golden weed also contain selenium.


Answer by  Heloise (397)

Nuts and cereals naturally contain selenium, with brazil nuts being among the richest natural sources. Only trace amounts of selenium are necessary for good health in humans. It is toxic in excessive amounts. It can also be found in kidneys, eggs and several types of seafood, as well as in plants.


Answer by  ppremise (200)

Selenium is an essential element that can be found in trace quantities in soils around the world. Different plants will have different preferences in taking in and making selenium available in the edible parts of the plant. One of the best sources for incorporating selenium into the diet can be found in the Brazil nut.


Answer by  wights (73)

All plants contain some amount of selenium due to its need in making food for itself. There is increase in selenium in plants found from the midwest to west. Be very careful,some plants like the Astragalus contain poisonous amounts and should be kept away from livestock.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Selenium is a plant poisonous to livestock. Certain states such as Wyoming and Colorado will have more selenium plants. Plant species of Astragalus contain selenium.


Answer by  capimajo (11)

Plants with high levels of selenium are certain species of Astragalus, prince's plume, and some woody asters. Secondary selenium absorbers are wheatgrass, barley, wheat, and alfalfa.


Answer by  ryan86 (5)

Some plants that contain selenium are: Western Wheat Grass, Barley, alfalfa, Brazil Nut tree, Prince's Plume, Woody Asters, and False Golden Weed.


Answer by  Ashton (229)

This are some vegetable which contain slenium are sweetpotatoes,sweetcorn,tamatoes, bbages contains higest slenium among the vegetable and some of the nuts contains selenium.Some of the plants which are eaten by animal contain high selenium and most of soil also have or rich in selenium.selenium is widely distrubuted on earth and it could be effective way of producing rich foodstuffs.


Answer by  diamond10 (160)

You can get selenium from plants like bran, onions, tomatoes, broccoli, wheat, garlic, lobelia, red clover, and slipper elm. Non-plant natural sources of selenium are brewers yeast, eggs, milk, and tuna fish. It is also found in a seaweed called kelp. Small amounts of selenium are found in the body so getting Selenium naturally is probably better than supplementation.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

The best source for selenium is dried Brazil nuts. One ounce contains over 500 micrograms of the mineral, which is 780% of your RDA. The wheat, depending on where its grown, contains fairly high levels of it. Oatmeal and rice are also good sources. Most of the animals that eat these plants will have high levels of selenium.

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