what is


Question by  worker6968 (6)

What are the bad effects of smoking?


Answer by  mellicat2006 (24)

The bad effects are significant and they involve risk of heart attack, it has been linked to different forms of cancer, low fetus weight (if pregnant), bad breath, stained teeth, and bad odor that follows you everywhere. Cigarette smoke can irritate asthma sufferers. It can also cause emphysema. Not to mention the impact it has on your wallet.


Answer by  JamieeD (36)

Smoking causes lung cancer and speeds up the process of other cancers. Smoking exposes you to over 40,000 harmful chemicals and is a leading cause of heart attacks.


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

There are several bad side effects to smoking. The worst is that it can cause cancer of the lungs and mouth. Emphysema and other breathing problems. It also hardens the arteries.


Answer by  brians6000 (640)

Smoking has the ability to drastically reduce an individual's life-span. Long term smokers are at a high risk of many life threatening conditions such as lung cancer, heart disease as well as other vascular and pulmonary conditions. In addition to these serious health issues, smoking can take its toll on the physical appearance of an individual.

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