united states


Question by  priyaragunath (36)

What are the denominations in US currency?


Answer by  Anemic75 (83)

Denominations of US currency are $1, $2, 5$, $10, $20, $50 and $100. Minted coins are the penny ($.01), nickel ($.05), dime ($.10), quarter, half dollar, and dollar.


Answer by  Jackie50 (360)

US paper currency includes the one dollar, two dollar, five dollar, ten dollar, twenty dollar, fifty dollar, and hundred dollar bill.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

The common denominations are: penny $0.01 nickel $0.05 Dime $0.10 Quarter $0.25 Half Dollar $0.50 Dollars come in $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100


Answer by  bsatterfield (131)

The most common denomination in US currency is 1,5,10,20,100. But there is also 2 and 50 though less common.


Answer by  Anonymous

esa hai kya !

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