


Question by  Vanessa (387)

What are the health effects of when you smoke and drink?


Answer by  Olive (1195)

The effects of smoking are well documented; at best, it's not good for you. Drinking in moderation seems to be fine, but extra care should be taken to avoid drinking before and certainly during driving.


Answer by  Jenn (116)

Smoking leads to cancer, and circulation problems. Also, your tastebuds lose some of their tasting abilities. Drinking hurts your liver, and impares your judgement and your motor skills. Being impared can cause other health issues.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Smoking and drinking are quite harmful. Smoking leaves residue in your lungs that clogs the aveoli, blackens lung tissue and causes cancers here and in other organs. Alcohol is toxic to the liver. It crosses the cerebral barrier, killing brain cells as well. Alcohol impairs judgment resulting in serious accidents.


Answer by  benjiross (993)

Smoking can cause oral cancer, lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes and addiction. It increases your risk for getting tuberculosis and chest infection and worsens asthma attacks. It can cause impotence. Drinking can cause stomach ulcers, liver damage with cirrhosis, liver cancer, affect your brain. Drinking is also a leading cause for accidents at home and on the road.

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