

Question by  abinesh (17)

What are the risks associated with getting pregnant at 44 years old?


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

The older a woman gets, the more the risk is involved with having a child, including fertility issues, miscarriages, premature births, birth defects and infant illnesses as well as a potiental risk to the mother including death. As with any pregancy, regular check-ups for both mother and child should be conducted regularly.


Answer by  lauryn (194)

The older a woman is the greater the risks are for the baby having a variety of birth defects. Doctor's consider woman over 35 as potentially having a high risk pregnancy but it definately increases after age forty. Down Syndrome is the most common risk associated with getting pregnant at 44 years old.


Answer by  Anonymous

That your teenage children will think that it is shamefull to think that their mother still has sex. I am 44 and 5 months pregnant and my older childrens attitude has been the most negative thing I have come across. Doctours have be great and midwives possitive.

posted by Anonymous
You are so blessed you got the best gift of life, so don't worried and think about those who are wrong, about sex at 44, I have sex and it is great because it means that you and your husband stil in love. Enjoy your baby, please!  add a comment

Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

The baby may not become intellligent in future.The normal delivery may not possible.The slight shock to the body may cause problem.The bones are too rigid to flulxuate to our work.So the baby may get into wrong position and create prenatel problem.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Your child becomes more likely to contract things like Downs Syndrome and Autism. You can get pregnant and have a healthy baby, but Amniocentisises are manditory for all pregnant women over Forty.

posted by Anonymous
I had our 2 1/2-year-old daughter at 42, and i can tell you that amniocentesis is NEVER mandatory; the doctor(s) can suggest or encourage it, but it's the mother's decision.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Thank you for that, i was just thinking the same after reading that.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

my sister is pregnant at 44, its so shamefull, her oldest child is 25, 22 and 18, sick sick sick


Answer by  Anonymous

Am 44 and my last baby is 10years old. my child and my husband are really looking forward to have a bay in the house. But am scared of having a deficit baby.

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