health treatments


Question by  kittykitty (39)

What are the side effects of plasmapheresis?


Answer by  dcrusher59 (590)

Some common side effects include drop in a patients blood pressure, faintess or dizziness, sweating, feeling cold and cramps, Other side effects are bleeding at the site of the venipuncture. Abdominal pain , nausea and vomiting can also be associated with thsi type of procedure. Although not common side effects can be fatal if not treated.


Answer by  Veetzy (376)

Plasmapheresis is when a human's blood has plasma isolated for the purposes of filtering out undesired components. Side effects include tingling in your face, leg cramps, syncope, confusion and fatigue.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

Some associated complications are bleeding where the needle was inserted, difficulties with the immune system, and the same negative effects that can come from any problematic transfusion.


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

Plasmapheresis has been reported to have minor side effects. The most common side effects are result of a drop in blood pressure and include dizziness, coldness,sweating, cramping, and blurred vision.


Answer by  PlasmaDonater (4)

Plasmapheresis has very few side effects. Side effects can be nausea, light-headedness, and rarely fainting. These can be minimized, and in most cases avoided all together, by drinking a lot of water for 24 hours before the procedure and eating a well balanced meal within 2 hours of the procedure.


Answer by  LauraCalico (278)

Side effects tend to be minor. They include allergic and quasi-allergic reactions, hypotension, febrile reactions, hypocalcemic reactions, and arrhythmias. In rare cases, patients may experience citrate intoxication.

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