

Question by  jun (13)

What are the symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver?

Does it come from a lot of drinking?


Answer by  crisduarte (363)

More than half the time its caused by lots of drinking. Symptoms: swelling of feet, high amonia levels to the brain causing aggresive behavior, constant sleeping, bleeding of the gums, yellowing of the eyes, Hepatitis usually accompanies it, bloating of the abdomen, sores throughout the body. There are many more but thats all I remember.


Answer by  drkbshah2000 (11)

yes,lot of drinking can cause cirrhosis.symptoms are yellow skin,fatigue,weakness,loss of appetite,itching,easy bruising.Patients with cirrhosis may have few or no symptoms and signs of liver disease. Some of the symptoms may be nonspecific.many time patient die due to liver cirrhosis.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can eventually result in cirrhosis of the liver. Symptoms of cirrhosis include fatigue, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. It can also can a person to be jaundiced or yellow in the skin and to have excess fluid in the abdomen which is called ascites.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

Generally cirrhosis is associated with drinkin but not always. The symptoms of cirrhosis can be; a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, dark tarry stools, vomiting blood, bloating of the belly, stomach distree, thought problems. As the cirrhosis worsens the person will begin to feel and expereince problems all over the body as the toxins build

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