pet health


Question by  dponline (35)

What are the symptoms of hookworm?

My kitten has not yet been vaccinated.


Answer by  cathstuff (238)

Hookworms attach themselves to the intestinal walls of an animal and feed on their blood which can cause intestinal bleeding, anaemia, diarrhoea or even death. A kitten with hookworms will have black or bloody stools and possibly weakness, a dull coat or pale gums.


Answer by  montree (354)

In worse case scenarios, worms will actually be present in the stool. These worms are thin and appear to have a hook like head on both ends. Hook worms are the hardest to treat so get professional help from a veteranarian.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Hair loss, blood in stool, anemia (look for pale gums), weight loss- hookworm is very common in kittens and vaccination has nothing to do with either prevention or treatment. All kittens should be treated for it, particulary it you aren't sure of the litter they came from. Assume a kitten has hookworm, even without symptoms.


Answer by  Sael (313)

There is no vaccination for hookworms. Cats with hookworms will often have loose stools, but some cats never show symptoms. All kittens should be de-wormed and properly vaccinated.


Answer by  SuchetaMalikGambhir (234)

Following are the symptoms of hookworm in pets: Blood in stool Black stool Wheezing Coughing Diarrhea Abdominal Pain Abdominal colic Nausea Itchy Foot Pimply rash at worm entry site Intestinal cramps.

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