pet health


Question by  ladybug (21)

What can be done for a pet rat that has a tumor?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Speak to a veterinarian that handles exotics. A rats life span is not very long, 2-3 years max, so a great deal of money is not spent on extreme measures to keep them alive. While they should be well fed, healthy and cared for, a rat with a tumor that interferes with his life should be put down.


Answer by  Mumma (483)

See a specialised exotics vet. It depends on the individual case. Surgery may be an option, or doing nothing if small/benign. Unfortunately in some cases euthanasia is the best option.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

There's not a whole lot that can be done. Technically you could try to get it removed, but most vets wouldn't want to remove a tumor from a rat because it wouldn't have much chance of being successful.

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