

Question by  turkergirl (19)

What can I do if I am having problems with my child's teacher?


Answer by  Cali2307 (1337)

If you are having problems with a child's teacher, your best first bet is to address it with the teacher. Perhaps it is a misunderstanding that will easily be rectified. If that does not help, go to the school administration and ask for help. Perhaps an accommodation can be made, such as moving your child into a new class.


Answer by  mommytoc (56)

You can talk with the principal or even go straight to the school board if you have a legitimate problem.


Answer by  Anonymous

file a complaint about the teacher to your child's school


Answer by  ravishanker (155)

If there is a problem with your child's teacher then you should surely go in compromise with her only. If not there will be unwanted problems to the child from the teacher. because it is the starting stage, it may even spoil the child's future. You should definitely compromise her.

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