

Question by  BurnoutFan (9)

What can I do if I was not hired as a result of my former employer not being truthful?


Answer by  kashin7 (345)

If your former employer lied about you causing you to lose potential employment, you can sue. As long as you have credible proof that they lied, you can file lawsuit for damage to your future career, loss of future earnings, and potentially slander.


Answer by  working (311)

While this may be a hurtful situation to be placed in, it is even harder to prove in any legal approach. Leave the employer out of you resume is best.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Ask for the information provided by your rejected future employer along with their documentation as to this being the reason you did not get the job. You can then sue the former employer for finanical losses as a result of losing employment.


Answer by  draiman1515 (156)

The truth is, most of the time, you can do nothing. They are not allowed to give bad references and usually you never know if they did or not.

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