

Question by  Anthony53 (106)

What can you tell me about insurance negotiation?


Answer by  flamiss22 (5081)

This is when the case is approved and the amount has to be determined upon. Ususally the insurance company comes in at a low ball figure and it it up to your attorney to get you the maximum amount possible.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

If there is an accident. Both parties insurance companies will talk over the claim and discuss the severity of the accident. If they can't reach a settlement then they will present the accident to a group of people who will look over the accident information and reach a agreement on what there recommendations would be.


Answer by  Rubberchicken (819)

In many instances, insurance negotiation is more limited than believed. However, this is the case in property insurance. Negotiations are more routine in liability claims, such as personal injury, where the damages are more difficult to ascertain.

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