pet health


Question by  gravyman (18)

What can you tell me about rats and ringworm?


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

Ringworm, in rats, is indicated by bald patches or substantially thinning fur. They may have crusted, oval or round shaped, scabby, risen welts. Ringworm is easily carried over to humans.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Pet rats almost never have or transmit ringworm, it is usually transmitted to them by someone touching a cat carrying the fungus- this is a fungus, not a worm.


Answer by  herzog (555)

I have never had a rat with ringworm but I assume they can get it like any other mammal. Clip the hair over the lesions if there are only a few little spots and try clotrimizole topical. If it is generalized ask your vet for a shampoo or about the possibility of a pill treatment.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

If your rate gets ringworm it can be treated with either topical or oral medication, but it is most effective to treat with both. Topical treatments include antifungal creams and shampoos/dips, and oral can include oral antifungals.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

If there is ringworm on your rat then you need to find out how and where the rat got it and be extremly careful around it because you don't want it trust me then call the vet and they will give you stuff to treat and get rid of it.

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