

Question by  grandamjim (20)

What can you tell me about the Kent State shootings?

It's not clear to me what all happened.


Answer by  patti (29325)

On 5/4/70 Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on a gathering of unarmed students, some of whom were protesting Nixon's announcement on 4/30 of the invasion of Cambodia and many more who were gathered, watching. Four students were killed; several others were wounded. A judge later dismissed the indictments against 8 soldiers, citing a week prosecution.


Answer by  ELStatler (57)

After a weekend of heightened tensions following President Nixon's announcement of the invasion of Cambodia a demonstration was held on campus. When it's banning failed the National Guard attempted to disperse the crowd. During the confusion, shots were fired that resulted in panic among guardsmen which precipitated a brief flurry of bullets.

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