health conditions


Question by  Bigpeter (58)

What causes a headache on the right side?


Answer by  ajk23 (6)

It can be any number of factors. If it's a cluster, it could be due to interference of serotonin in the brain, otherwise known as a vascular headache disorder.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

The cause is unclear but is most likely related to a vascular chemical disorder causing blood vessels to expand. Sinusitis, glaucoma, carotid artery aneuryism or tumor are unlikely causes but tests should be done in order to rule them out.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

A one-sided headache is not rare. The most common cause of a right side headache is migraines. A sinus infection can also cause pain on one side only.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

That can be caused from any number of thisngs usually they are due to stress if it doesn't go away contact your doctor.

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