pet health


Question by  dmitzman (28)

What could be the cause of a bump on the hind quarter bone of a Golden Retriever?


Answer by  navywriter (790)

This could be caused by a bone cancer or an injury to the bone itself. The dog needs further tests that can be done by a vet.


Answer by  holdengal (693)

If the bump is solid and stationary, it could be just a calcium deposit. If the bump is squishy and moves, it could be a cyst. Cysts are usually filled with fluid and can be aspirated by a vet. If your dog is not in pain, leave it alone.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It could be any number of things but I would guess it is due to an old injury the dog had that healed but not completley correctly. If the bump seems to be tender when touched take him/her to the vet they may be able to remove it.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Large dogs are more apt to get bone cancer than smaller dogs. Take your dog to vet to rule out this possibility.


Answer by  Knhalcomb (105)

Quite a few things such as; bug bite, a bruise, a cyst, or even a tumor. If it's in pain see a vet soon, if not just watch it.

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