

Question by  peanuts (43)

What could be wrong with my dog if he has an upset growling stomach and diarrhea?

This has been going on for 3 days.


Answer by  friendlyhobbit (42)

Symptoms like diarrhea and a gurgling stomach can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Your dog could have eaten garbage, or a non-food item. A bacterial or parasitic infection could be the cause. If it persists, you may want to visit the vet.


Answer by  Tini (221)

It sounds like he either has an infection in his gut, or he's having a hard time digesting something in his diet. Maybe try switching food.


Answer by  Ella22 (610)

A change in their dog food or giving them human food or table scraps. Spicy food will also upset their stomachs. They are actually sensitive to raisins and onions.


Answer by  Gavy (111)

If you changed food recently, your dog could be uneasy from it. If you have not changed foods, take your dog to the vet! He could have a virus.


Answer by  LaurieF (211)

Noisy stomach and diarrhea can have a number of different possible causes. Among them are inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), pancreas problems, food allergies, parasites, bacterial or fungal infections of the digestive tract, cancer, etc. Only your vet can provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.


Answer by  Anudeep (25)

Your dog does not have anything to worry about. It would cure the problem itself if you have a garden. Dogs can find cures to some of their problems from nature itself by eating certain herbs which they know.I f you don't have a garden then it would be better to consult a vet.

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