

Question by  echomom (33)

What do dog worms look like?


Answer by  shastie (1601)

You will only know your dog has worms by checking out their poop. If you see little white maggot looking critters then your dog has worms. You should take them to the vet to be sure. You can also buy a dewormer usually at the vets office or at a feed and seed store.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

They look kind of like little pieces of spaghetti but they move and they are nasty. If you think your dog has worms you need to worm it right away you don't want a child getting one in it's mouth they cause huge problems in humans.


Answer by  Mech79 (185)

There are several types of intestinal worms that dogs can get, though the main ones you will see are round and tape worms. Just like their names round worms are round and tape worms are flat. Since they tend to break off in segments they can sometimes look like grains of rice.


Answer by  keiki (1376)

There are 3 main types of worms in dogs: tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms. Tapeworms look like pieces of rice when they exit a dog, while roundworms are long strands. Hookworms can only be seen under a microscope.


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

Worms tend to look the same no matter what species is their host and nearly all mammals can catch the most common varieties of the parasites. Tape worms are long, flat and scaly. Round worms are white and thin, like tapered raw pasta. Hook worms can't be seen by the naked eye like the other two.

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