

Question by  leelah (92)

What does a French country desk look like?

My wife wants one.


Answer by  sallybear (11)

French country furniture will usually have beautifully carved curvaceous wooden legs. If you are looking for a desk it can be any tone of wood but look for something with curvy legs and carved detailing.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

French Country usually applies to furniture with simple lines and hardwood finishes. A desk can either have thin, fluted tapered legs with an inlaid leather writing surface and two small drawers under it. Or the writing surface can be on two drawers on either side with two small ones under the writing surface.


Answer by  BeefStrule (690)

It's hard to describe but it's basically like a normal American desk except there's two protruding desk assistant levels on each side.


Answer by  HelpfulAndy (1107)

A french country desk usually has bowed legs. Some of them have drawers and some do not. Most of them are very simple looking desks with a single drawer under the top of the desk. Some more modern ones will have a sliding tray for a keyboard. Some also have ornate detailing.

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