

Question by  Megan23 (15)

What does it mean if a dog has a purple tongue?

He seems fine otherwise.


Answer by  Sara89 (367)

Most likely he ate or licked something that stained his tongue this color, particularly if he doesn't seem uncomfortable. Are you missing any blueberries?


Answer by  Rachel411 (468)

A purple tongue can be a characteristic found in certain breeds and it is dominent so many mixed breeds will also have this (or sometimes purple spots).


Answer by  Jo46 (394)

If his tongue is naturally purple, that is, his tongue has been purple his entire life, it just means he has a "painted" tongue. It's typical in Chows and some other larger dogs. If it has recently occurred, get him to a vet. It could indicate lack of oxygen in the blood, which implies breathing restrictions or inflammation.


Answer by  Anonymous

Dogs with purple tongues may be more violent and prone to biting. Becareful around them.

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