

Question by  Alli (71)

What is a normal wbc count?


Answer by  Tonybone (80)

The normal WBC count ranges from about 5000 to 10000 per cubic mm. The total WBC count consists of the total number of 5 subgroups of immune cells: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and macrophages. Even when a patient's WBC count presents within normal range, it is still important to confirm the proper cell count for the subgroups.


Answer by  Roger70 (107)

The WBC count is the number of white blood cells in a given volume of blood, usually expressed as thousands per cubic millimetre. High counts may indicatate an infection or inflammation, or be sympomatic of a condition like leukemia. A low count could indicate an immune system deficiency. The normal range is 4,300 to 10,800 cells per cubic millimeter


Answer by  rightlight (1053)

The normal amount of white blood cells for a human adult is 4,300 to 10,800 cells per cubic millimeter (cmm) or 4.3 to 10.8 x 109 cells per liter.


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

A WBC count is depending on the lab that does the testing. A normal WBC count is between 5,000 and 10,000. Although depending on the lab it may be a little above or below this and still be considered normal. When you get your results back, make sure you ask what is normal for that lab's results.

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