health conditions


Question by  Dianamite (109)

What is De Quervain's Syndrome?

Does it cause thumb pain?


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

De Quervain's Syndrome is the inflammation of the tendons around the thumb side of your hand and wrist. Gripping, making a fist, and moving your wrist will often cause the most irritation to the thumb, wrist, and hand. Repetitive movement is the likely cause of De Quervain's Syndrome. Medications and immobilization are the most common treatment (severe cases warrant surgery).


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

De Quervain's syndrome is the inflammation of the sheath or the tunnel through which the two tendons that control the thumb movements are passing. The symptoms include pain, tenderness and swelling over the thumb and side of the wrist below the thumb. It makes gripping difficult.


Answer by  Milette4 (900)

De Quervain's Syndrome does cause pain to the thumb. The tendons in the thumb become inflamed and then rub against one another. It is normally caused by a direct blow to the thumb, overuse of the thumb and conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. It is a condition that is more common in females than in males.


Answer by  Krissie (551)

In short, yes. De Quervain's Syndrome is an inflammation of the tendons between the thumb and wrist that can require wearing a brace for a month or more to cure.

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