

Question by  SamAnole (31)

What is different about preschoolers today?

It seems they're more disrespectful. Why?


Answer by  Jane20 (61)

I think that it starts when parents think everything they do is so cute. Parents seem to put cuteness ahead of giving them guidance and discipline. After a parent has spanked a child's hand for something wrong and the child hits back with a reply, "No" it is not cute.


Answer by  gaja (147)

2000 years ago, a Greek philosopher said: "Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." Children today might appear to be more disrespectful. They are raised by parents who care about their opinions, and won't automatically bow to authorities. But if you treat them with respect, you will get the same in return.

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